Sarah has an outstanding way with words. She understands your stakeholders and helps you maximise your impact.”

Matt Lilley, CEO, Prudential Africa

When I was President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, I had to give talks and make speeches to audiences of all kinds, from industrialists and academics to policymakers and students. Sarah was a superb support: we would speak briefly together about the messages I wanted to get across, then back she would come with the words I needed, whether a fully scripted speech or a set of bullet point prompts. She has an unerring instinct for the right things to say, and a wonderful way with words.”

Professor Sir John Holman, President, Association for Science Education

Sarah played a key role on a high-profile, high-pressure project. She’s brilliant at taking complex information and turning it into a compelling story – and she has a knack for spotting the angles that others may have missed.”

Andrew Payne, Head of Corporate Affairs and Responsible Business, The Crown Estate

Working with Sarah is a really positive experience. She spends time getting to know you, your organisation and the subject matter and in turn produces thoughtful, interesting and impactful scripts to help each and every speaker to find their own authentic voice and deliver with confidence.”

Helen Pain, Acting CEO, Royal Society of Chemistry

“I asked Sarah to deliver a speech at the 14th conference of the European Speechwriter Network. She did a brilliant job talking about how speechwriters can help experts get their message across.”

Brian Jenner, Founder, European Speechwriter Network

Sarah has the rare ability to grasp what’s needed and a strong instinct for different voices.”

Jayma Pau, Managing Partner, Leaders’ Quest